Manuel Astorga Motion Graphics 2d Animation spot video sound design studio

The Cruise Routes


Showcasing Dreamlines Routes.

These spots showcase the 3 best deals of Dreamline’s winter campaign. Teaming up with Neo Natsume, we created 3 scenarios illustrating the specific cruise of each deal, plus the most iconic sights of the routes. Then, the main version was divided into three five-seconds spots. We added a plane landing into the animation in order to communicate that the flights were included in the package.

Manuel Astorga Motion Graphics 2d Animation spot video sound design studio

Manuel Astorga Motion Graphics 2d Animation spot video sound design studio

Manuel Astorga Motion Graphics 2d Animation spot video sound design studio


Agency – Luxid GmbH

Creative Director – Manuel Astorga

Animation – Daniel Cardona

Sound Design- Josep Xortó


Illustrator – Leo Natsume

3D Animation – Dario Alva

VO Actor – Hans Richter

Assistant- Salvador Serrano



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